Experience the Power of Aura Gods NLS Bioresonance Health Diagnostic Test
Unlock Your Optimal Health with Advanced Medical Health Diagnostic
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Discover a new level of health assessment with the Aura Gods NLS Bioresonance Health Diagnostic Test. Manufactured in Germany and utilized by European and Russian physicians as an adjunct screening tool, this non-invasive device employs specially designed headphones to send out extremely low-intensity electromagnetic waves to the biofield around the brain and nervous network. By detecting variations in resonance within biological tissue, our NLS system can pinpoint the root cause of any ailment in your body, enabling you to achieve optimal health.
Our Non-Linear Scanning (NLS) system safely and accurately scans your body, pinpointing all contributing factors to your health condition. Experience the benefits of:
Safe and painless testing
Effective and accurate diagnosis
Non-invasive procedure
Why Choose Aura Gods NLS Bioresonance Health Diagnostic Test?
Comprehensive Health Analysis in Just 2 Hours
With a 2-hour Bioresonance Health Diagnostic, you'll gain insights into:
Allergies and sensitivities
Food preferences and compatibility
Status of body systems, organs, tissues, cells, and DNA
Immune system performance
Impact of bacteria, parasites, fungi, or viruses on your health
Nutritional deficiencies
Effectiveness of current supplements
Inflammation levels
Energy levels and sources of fatigue
Digestive system functionality
Weight management difficulties
Impact of lifestyle on health
Genetic influences on health
Heavy metal toxicity
Antioxidant needs
Optimal functioning of body organs
Healing with Aura Gods Non-Linear System
Just as a singer can shatter a glass by finding the right vocal pitch, the Aura Gods NLS device can recognize any microbe, including any human diseases, and apply the unique "energy of destruction" to each cell without impacting any other body tissue. In addition, our NLS device can assess not only human body tissues but also the ultrastructure of microbiological agents, viruses, helminthes, rickettsia, and toxoplasms, as well as determine the most effective antimicrobial drug.
With a vast database of pharmaceuticals, herbs, dietary supplements, and homeopathic medicines, our NLS device can create personalized homeopathic remedies in the correct potency for your needs.
What to Expect in Your Bioresonance NLS Sessions
Your initial 120-minute session includes:
Detailed body scanning, investigation, and treatment
Assessment of pathology at any level, including body organ, tissue, cell, or DNA
Identification of allergies, food sensitivities, and preferred foods
Pathogen detection (specific bacteria, fungi, viruses, etc.)
Treatment includes:
Finding and eliminating specific pathogens
Treating any body organ, part of it, tissue, or cell with Meta therapy, crystal therapy, homeopathy, and/or acupuncture
Creating a personalized homeopathic, phytotherapy, or crystal remedy for you to take home
Follow-up treatment sessions are 60 minutes long, ensuring you stay on track with your healing journey.
Embrace the power of Aura Gods NLS Bioresonance Health Diagnostic Test and start your journey towards optimal health today.
Book your session now!
How does it work?According to Bioresonance Technology, each cell in the body resonates at a certain frequency, much like a tuning fork does when it reverberates and generates an acoustic wave. An electromagnetic field and distinct frequency patterns are produced when collections of cells (such as an organ) vibrate at their respective frequencies. Your body develops oscillatory (wave) synchronization under physiologically normal circumstances. However, when pathological circumstances develop, these waves will be disturbed or amplified, which can result in illness. Such illness states, for instance, may develop as a result of the preponderance of excitation (pathological stress), which causes the Central Nervous System to operate improperly and leads to a disease abnormality. Bioresonance Technology is founded on the idea that biophotons, or "flashes of light," are the means by which cells interact with one another.
What does it treat?Frequency Healing treatment is beneficial for almost all medical conditions. Chronic and degenerative disorders' root causes can be treated.
Is it safe?Any age can benefit from Meta Therapy because it is a non-invasive, painless, and secure treatment. Meta Therapy is generally well accepted by patients. For more than 25 years, it has been used on a diverse variety of individuals, including infants and seasoned adults. Reactions to some therapies may occur briefly. These may consist of: headache, mild nausea, or fatigue. Drinking lots of pure, filtered water with little mineral content might shorten the duration of these effects, which shouldn't last more than 24 hours. Effects are seen as evidence that a treatment is effective. An example of them is a recovery response. even if they are a bit unpleasant since it shows that the body is recovering.
How does the treatment feel?Despite the fact that I may feel like nothing is happening while receiving therapy, internal changes are occurring. The body is using the information from the BRT as evidenced by the healing responses. Patients often need at least 3 to 6 sessions before beginning to notice improvements.
How long is the treatment?A typical treatment session lasts 60 minutes and combines numerous therapy programs, some of which use data from the body and others which use chemicals. A large electromagnetic pad covering the patient's spine plays the changed information back into the body. When the body vibrates with the therapeutic frequency from the Bioplasm during therapy, it is said to be "stimulated."
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